Tuesday, December 18, 2012

16 weeks

I am still working toward going to physical therapy school, but it's such a long process. I've been doing well with my shadowing. I go to two different places almost every week. Im learning a lot that way. I make the mistake of signing up for an online GRE class and forgot that in the beginning of pregnancy I barely have enough energy to get out of bed and definitely not enough brain power to sit through a 3 hour class once a week. Ooops! I am going to try to go through the recordings now that Im feeling much better and hope that it wasn't a complete waste of money. Today I signed up for a precalculus class, but made sure to find one that is self-directed. I still have to take Physics, Anatomy and Physiology and Exercise Science. Ugh. One step at at time!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly checkup. Im 16 weeks now and everything is going well so far. My blood pressure dropped to 100/60. I hope it can stay down this time. By the time Finley was born it was up to 140/80, which is really dangerous. We found out that the baby has a 1/10,000 chance of having Trisomy 18 or Down Syndrome. That means that its such a low chance that it's not detectable. Next test we find out about is for Spina Bifida. Oh and I only gained 2 lbs since the last appointment. My goal is to weigh less than I did when Finley was born! Our next appointment will be the ultrasound that will look at the babies anatomy and make sure everything is normal and we will find out boy/girl. Fin already has a name picked out - Rudolph. Pronounced by her "Rudoss".

I will try to take photos on our vacation to Vermont and post while I am there. We are so excited!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting that you are pregnant again. Congratulations! I'm pregnant too! I think you're one-two weeks ahead of me if you posted this a week and a half ago because I'm 16 weeks now (due June 11). I hope you're feeling good now that you're out of the first trimester. I'm certainly feeling a LOT better now... still not myself, but much, much better.
    We miss you guys!
